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  Each year, millions of animals from hundreds of different species are illegally taken from their native environments and transported across the world, contributing to a growing global wildlife trafficking network. Wildlife trafficking in exchange for money or other goods has become an increasing problem, and is a serious factor in the extinction of hundreds of species of animals. Occurring across the globe, this form of live trafficking has the potential to greatly harm countless ecosystems, and current conservation efforts must be strengthened in order to stop wildlife trafficking. The conservation process starts in the hands of the individual. Making smart decisions while travelling and encourage others to learn about wildlife trafficking can make a large difference in the fight against illegal trade.


 Wildlife trafficking is defined as “the unlawful harvest of and trade in live animals and plants or parts and products derived from them” (“Illegal Wildlife Trade”). This includes the trade of animals that are often endangered. Large international networks take animals from their native habitats across the globe and transport them to new countries or even new continents. Species are often not treated well in transport, either. Specimens are smuggled roughly, drugged, crammed into boxes, beaten and injured, and often murdered in horrific fashions (Bergman). These animals are then traded for money or other goods, depending on where they end up. Some species of animals are targeted more than others for their prized qualities. The species most impacted by wildlife trafficking are the Javan rhino, African elephant, Amur leopard, Bengal tiger, green turtle, and countless other elephant, rhino, and large cat species. Primates, birds, other mammals and insects are also often a part of the illegal trafficking network (Crawford). Most, if not all, of these species are endangered, some to the point of immanent extinction. Illegal trafficking is the second largest direct threat to species survival after habitat destruction (“Unsustainable and Illegal Wildlife Trade”).
Certain parts of the globe experience a larger volume of illegal wildlife trafficking than others. “Wildlife trade hotspots” are areas where illegal trade is the most prominent. These areas include Mexico, East Africa, Southeast Asia, China, the Caribbean, and Eastern Europe. Some local communities rely on wild animals for their livelihoods. The ability to sell wild animals for a profit encourages an increase in trade, resulting in areas of heavy trafficking concentration. In these areas, illegal trade is not covert: “Capturing animals in the jungle is common. It's not the shadowy activity people might think; it's more like an open secret” (Bergman). In countries where wildlife trafficking runs rampant, animals are widely available. Bergman writes, “As one zoo director in Brazil told me, ‘There are no limits. You can buy whatever you want. Every species is for sale’” (Bergman). “Wildlife is traded as skins, leather goods or souvenirs; as food or traditional medicine; as pets, and in many other forms,” demonstrating the variety and scope of the trafficking agenda (“Illegal Wildlife Trade”). This illegal trade network has vast effects on ecosystems and populations.
 The capture and transport of endangered wildlife greatly affects the balance of the ecosystem. Other species suffer as soon as the food chain is disturbed by a species being hunted to the point of extreme endangerment or extinction. In additional, other animals may be accidently killed during the capture of the intended species. Species that are transported to other environments become invasive, and often have visible negative effects on their new habitats (Crawford). Illegal trade also negatively impacts a country’s natural resources, and local communities that might otherwise benefit from tourism or legal, sustainable trade become damaged and corrupted (“Unsustainable and Illegal Wildlife Trade”). Perhaps the largest impact of wildlife trafficking is the likelihood of overexploitation. When a healthy species is hunted for any reason, population levels can drop exceedingly quickly and endangerment and extinction become possible.
While the United States has many laws in place to combat illegal wildlife trafficking, most countries are not as fortunate. Flaws in protection in developing countries include corruption, inadequate laws, and light criminal sentences (Crawford). Poachers may often be caught because of their relative abundance, but they are not the masterminds behind trafficking networks. In addition, while big cities may have stronger laws, rural areas have little to no law enforcement. Rural habitats are where trafficked animals most often originate (Bergman). However, even the laws in developed countries are in no way strong enough to put an end to the illegal wildlife trafficking business. Stopping the trade requires the help of individuals around the world.
Public education is one of the best ways to combat any unfavorable activity. According to the World Wildlife Fund, education on wildlife trafficking is the number one way to fight back against illegal wildlife trafficking. There are many ways for individuals to start making a difference. Taking action is a necessary step in solving the issue of wildlife trafficking.
The easiest way to start getting involved is to educate yourself on the issue. Learning more about wildlife trafficking from websites like the World Wildlife Fund and the U.S. Department of Game and Fish can be interesting and highly informative. Fully understanding the facts and impacts will give you a new perspective on the topic. Another way to get involved is to donate to organizations like the World Wildlife Fund, who are actively working around the world to raise awareness, encourage better laws, and educate locals on how to take care of their environment. However, one of the best ways for students who are studying abroad or travelling internationally to help in the fight against trafficking is to stay smart and aware while outside of the United States.
Many of ASU’s study abroad and travel opportunities give students the ability to travel in or near wildlife trade hotspots. These are areas where conservation efforts could have a profound positive effect on the ecosystem and local villages or cities. Often times, hotels or restaurants in these areas will be displaying live wildlife as entertainment (Bergman). It is common to see primates or exotic birds on display. However, this practice is almost always illegal. Try not to support businesses that practice wildlife trafficking. Instead, when possible, stay at a sustainable hotel or eat at a restaurant that does not practice illegal activities. If you are travelling to areas where illegal trafficking is common, there will undoubtedly be opportunities to purchase illegal wildlife products from markets, shops or tourist areas. It is highly important to be informed on the types of products that are illegally bought and sold in the area you are travelling to.  It is especially important to know what illegal items to look for when you are travelling to South America, Africa or Asia. While most study abroad programs do not go to the latter two continents, there are many opportunities for students to visit. While there, never buy any elephant products like ground tusks, tiger products like bones or skins, and rhino horns, and stay away from stalls or markets that are selling live primates, birds, or infant animals. While in South America, never buy exotic bird products, rainforest products or primate and large cat products. Often, these are warning signs for illegal trafficking (“Unsustainable and Illegal Wildlife Trade”). Buying only legal items will encourage sustainable trading practices and protect the ecosystem of the environment you are in.
In conclusion, wildlife trafficking is an unsustainable practice that leads to extinction and the destruction of ecosystems. While conservation efforts exist, they are often not effective and need your help. Educating yourself and others while also practicing sustainable habits while travelling or studying abroad is a necessary step in ending the illegal trade of animals.


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